Traveling much? Have you considered NOT taking motorized vehicles to and from the airport? True, in some situations, it is just not possible. That’s okay! But in many situations, it’s more possible than one might think. When I flew into HCMC a few days ago, I ran from the airport to my hotel. It was only 7 km. I planned in advance and found a safe, easy route. I packed efficiently (meaning I didn’t overpack). I had one backpack which was not too heavy and one roller bag, which was also not unnecessarily weighed down, and yes, I was in town for business. The traffic was so bad, I found myself passing cars for a good chunk of the run (what a great feeling haha). I knew what the weather would be in advance. I had my pollution mask (and also to be safe during the pandemic). I packed an extra workout shirt too absorb sweat (so my backpacked wouldn’t get sweaty). I had sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses all ready the minute I landed in the airport so I wasted no time. It was a fun, interesting run. And by the time I got to my hotel, I had finished a good part of my daily workout so could spend more time enjoying the city and having fun. I also felt cool to have accomplished this. And what did it cost me? A few extra minutes (which I saved and then gained by knocking out much of my cardio workout instead of sitting in rush hour traffic). These concepts are so easy and yet most people wouldn’t dare to try it. But it’s possible–it’s beneficial–and it’s the kind of lifestyle choice that can change your life!

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